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Dr. Thomas Post
Assistant Professor of Finance
Thomas Post is Assistant Professor of Finance at Maastricht University and Associate Professor at Open University as well as affiliated with Netspar. He received his PhD from Humboldt University Berlin. He held visiting positions at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of New South Wales, University of British Columbia and worked for KPMG. His research covers pension finance, in particular individual annuitization and asset allocation decisions, trading behavior of individual investors, pension communication as well as asset liability management, longevity risk management, and Solvency II for insurance companies and pension funds.
Research Interests
Pension finance & household risk management: annuitization, investor asset allocation & trading decisions, longevity risk, pension communication
Recent Key Publications
- Ye, Z., and T. Post (2019), “What Age Do You Feel? -Subjective Age Identity and Economic Behaviors”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (forthcoming).
- Brüggen, L., T. Post, and K. Schmitz (2019), “Interactivity in Online Pension Planners Enhances Engagement with Retirement Planning –But not for Everyone”, Journal of Services Marketing, 33: 488-501.
- Gerhard, P., A. O. I. Hoffmann, and T. Post (2017), “Past Performance Framing and Investors’ Belief Updating: Is Seeing Long-Term Returns Always Associated with Smaller Belief Updates?”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 15: 38-51.
- Davidoff, T., P. Gerhard, and T. Post (2017), “Reverse Mortgages: What Homeowners (Don’t) Know and How it Matters”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 133: 151-171.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., and T. Post (2017), “How Return and Risk Experiences Shape Investor Beliefs and Preferences”, Accounting & Finance, 57: 759-788.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., and T. Post (2016), “How Does Investor Confidence Lead to Trading? Linking Investor Return Experiences, Confidence, and Investment Beliefs”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 12: 65-78.
- Hanewald, K., T. Post, and M. Sherris (2016), “Risk Management in Retirement – What is the Optimal Home Equity Release Product?”, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 83: 421-446.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., T. Post & J. M. E. Pennings (2015), “How Investor Perceptions Drive Actual Trading and Risk-Taking Behavior.” Journal of Behavioral Finance, 16: 94-103.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., and T. Post (2014), “Self-Attribution Bias in Consumer Financial Decision-Making: How Investment Returns Affect Individuals’ Belief in Skill”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental
Economics, 52: 23-28. - Post, T. & K. Hanewald (2013), “Longevity Risk, Subjective Survival Expectations, and Individual Saving Behavior”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 86, 200-220.
- Hoffmann, A. O. I., T. Post, and J. M. E. Pennings (2013), “Individual Investor Perceptions and Behavior During the Financial Crisis”Journal of Banking & Finance,Vol. 37, 60-74
- Post, T., H. Gründl, J. T. Schmit & A. Zimmer, “The Impact of Investment Behavior for Individual Welfare”Economica, forthcoming
- Post, T. and J. T. Schmit, 2011, “Measuring the Performance of Life-Cycle Asset Allocation, in Lamdin,D”.(Ed.), Consumer Knowledge and Financial Decisions – Lifespan Perspectives, Springer.
- Schulze, R. N. and T. Post, “Individual Annuity Demand under Aggregate Mortality Risk”, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 77: 423-449.
- Schulze, R. N. and T. Post, “Individual Annuity Demand under Aggregate Mortality Risk, The Journal of Risk and Insurance”, 77: 423-449.
- Gründl, H., T. Post, and R. N. Schulze, 2006, “To Hedge or Not to Hedge: Managing Demographic Risk in Life Insurance Companies”, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 73: 19–41.
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