Marketing Research Options Finance Behavior Buyers Interdisciplinary Co-operatives Strategy Business Psychology Futures Decision Making Under Risk Marketing Channels PR-Marketing

Prof. dr. Jaakko Aspara
Professor of Marketing
Prof. dr. Jaakko Aspara is the Christian Grönroos Professor of Marketing at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland. His research and expertise focus on the interfaces of marketing with strategy and finance, including topics such as innovation management, strategic brand management, new product development and design, and stock market reactions to marketing strategies and performance. Along with his active academic research, Dr. Aspara is active in industry collaborations and executive education.
Research Interests
innovation management, strategic brand management, new product development and design, stock market reactions to marketing strategies and performance.
Recent Key Publications
- Jaakko Aspara, Kristina Wittkowski, Jan Klein, Tomas Falk, Jeroen Schepers, Kai Bergner (2020) ,’What gets measured gets done: Can self-tracking technologies enhance advice compliance?”’, Journal of Service Research, forthcoming.
2020) ,‘Customer journey analyses in digital media: Exploring the impact of cross-media exposure on customers’ purchase decisions’, Journal of Service Management, forthcoming.
- 2019) ,‘Can Advertising Investments Counter the Negative Impact of Shareholder Complaints on Firm Value?’, Journal of Marketing, vol. 83,no. 4,pp. 58-80.
- 2019) ,‘Consumer price effects: Loss aversion in value vs. in demand’, Journal of the Operational Research Society.
- 2018), ‘Sharing-Dominant Logic? Quantifying the Association between Consumer Intelligence and Choice of Social Access Modes’, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 46,no. 2, pp. 201-222.
- 2018) ,‘Types of intelligence predict likelihood to get married and stay married: Large-scale empirical evidence for evolutionary theory’, Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 122,no. 1,pp. 1-6.
- 2017) ,‘Relational price discounts: Consumers’ metacognitions and nonlinear effects of initial discounts on customer retention’, Journal of Marketing, vol. 82, no. 1,pp. 115-131.
- Aspara, J., A. Chakravarti & A. O. I. Hoffmann (2015), “Focal versus Background Goals in Consumer Financial Decision-Making: Trading Off Financial Returns for Self-Expression?”, European Journal of Marketing, 49 (7/8),1114-1138.
- Aspara, J. & A. O. I. Hoffmann (2015), “Cut Your Losses and Let Your Profits Run: How Shifting Feelings of Personal Responsibility Reverses the Disposition Effect”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 8 (December), 18-24.
+358 40 352 1532
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