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Dr. Constantine Iliopoulos
Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Dr Constantine Iliopoulos is Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AGR.E.R.I.) and Adjunct Professor at the Agricultural University of Athens, both in Athens, Greece. His research program focuses on agribusiness economics and collective entrepreneurship—particularly the organizational and capital-acquisition aspects of innovative agribusiness cooperatives, and rural development—with attention to both theoretical and policy concerns. The economics of cooperative legislation and policy, the formation requirements for agricultural bargaining cooperatives, and innovative solutions to ownership and governance problems of agricultural cooperatives have been in the center of his research during the last years. Constantine’s theoretical tools include approaches such as organizational, new institutional and evolutionary economics. His empirical research includes numerous survey data collection and analyses at the farm, cooperative and industry levels, case study and focus groups research, as well as structural equation modelling. His current research and teaching focus on social innovation, cooperatives and trust-generating incentive mechanisms in food production and natural resource management.
Research Interests
Recent Key Publications
- Iliopoulos, C., and I. Theodorakopoulou. 2014. “Measuring and Communicating the True Value of Membership: The Case of the Pindos Poultry Co-operative.” Chapter 17 in T. Mazzarol, S. Reboud, and E. Mamouni Limnios (eds.), Sustainable Co-operative Enterprise: Case Studies of Organisational Resilience in the Co-operative Business Model. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.
- Iliopoulos, C. 2014. “Stakeholder Participation in Cooperative Capital in the West.” In C. Gijselinckx and L. Zhao (eds.), The Determinants of Innovations in the Cooperative Field in China and the West: Convergences and Differences. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, UK.
- Iliopoulos, C. 2013. “Public Support for Agricultural Cooperatives: An Organizational Economics Approach.” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 84(3): 1-12.
- Chaddad, F.R., and C. Iliopoulos. 2013. “Control Rights, Governance and the Costs of Ownership in Agricultural Cooperatives.” Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 3-22.
- Iliopoulos, C., Valentinov, V., Kvartiuk, V., and B. Bartkowski. 2013. “Government-Third Sector Relations in European Rural Development: A Critical Perspective.” Nonprofit Policy Forum, 4(1): 65-80.
- Valentinov, V., and C. Iliopoulos. 2013. “Economic Theories of Nonprofits and Agricultural Cooperatives Compared: New Perspectives for Nonprofit Scholars.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(1): 109-126.
- Valentinov, V., and C. Iliopoulos. 2012. “Property Rights Problems in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Heterodox Institutionalist Perspective.” German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61(3): 139-147.
- Iliopoulos, C., and V. Valentinov. 2012. “Opportunism in Agricultural Cooperatives in Greece.” Outlook on Agriculture, 41(1): 15-19.
- Iliopoulos, C., Theodorakopoulou, I., and T. Lazaridis. 2012. “Innovation Implementation Strategies for Consumer Driven Fruit Supply Chains.” British Food Journal, 114 (6): 798-815.
- Iliopoulos, C., and S. Rozakis. 2010. “Environmental cost-effectiveness of bio diesel production in Greece: Current policies and alternative scenarios.” Energy Policy, 38: 1067-1078.
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